4th Of July Parade
The Annual 4th of July will be held on July 4th this year. Meet at Mayor Lindsey's house at around 10:20 AM. The parade will begin at 10:30. Decorate your bike, wagon, golf-cart, or whatever and join the fun!
Captain Underpants?

The neighborhood will be pleased to know that Captain Underpants has been sighted in Glen City. This caped-crusader was seen in his yard and in the neighborhood. Do not fear this man in his whitie-tighties, he is here to be your friend. Anyone seeing him and sending us a picture will be richly rewarded!
Race of the Century!
All in all it was a great day for a race and a great post race reception was held. With barbecue pulled pork sandwiches and a smorgasbord of great side dishes, everyone was a winner at the second annual Glen City .500.
Note: Due to the increasing popularity of the race, tickets for next year's event will go on-sale starting at the Glen City Annual 4th of July Parade and Picnic, which, coincidentally, is held around the 4th of July. Hope to see you there!
Reminder: April Showers Bring May Races

Meet the Romano's!
From the office of the Mayor : I would like to introduce some new people to the neighborhood - the Romano’s ; Anthony, Laura, and their two children, Nicholas and Alexandra. The Romano's moved in about two weeks ago, so if you get a chance while your walking, go meet them. They are ready to get involved in our activities.

Easter Egg Hunt!
The Spherical Dodecahedron of the Yule Mystery
(AKA: The Legend of the Sparkleball)
In the magical land known as The Glen, around the time of Christmas, a mysterious ball appears. This is no ordinary ball. The ball does not bounce, nor does it roll very well. No this is not a typical ball at all, but it is a very special one. You see, this ball contains a special power. When used correctly, the ball glows and sparkles in brilliant colors of red, green, blue, yellow and white. The colors dance inside the ball, changing rapidly and brightening the darkness in a dazzling display. But the real magic of this Sparkleball is not in its shape or its bright lights, the real magic is in the smiles it brings to the people who received it.
The ball is shrouded in mystery. Every year, in the days shortly before Christmas, the ball magically appears on the porch or doorstep of an unexpected neighbor. If you should ever be so lucky as to find this magical spherical dodecahedron at your doorstep, you must not fret, but rejoice. You should proudly display the Sparkleball in all its brilliance in a place for all the Glen to see. Then, after the Yule season has ended, carefully store the Sparkleball and help it magically reappear next year. But be careful, as it is best to find a new recipient of the Sparkleball each year. Legend has it that the ball has traveled to the far corners of the Glen. As the recipient of the ball, part of your job is to find out who has received this gift before you, so you can give the magic to someone new.
Merry Christmas!

The ball is shrouded in mystery. Every year, in the days shortly before Christmas, the ball magically appears on the porch or doorstep of an unexpected neighbor. If you should ever be so lucky as to find this magical spherical dodecahedron at your doorstep, you must not fret, but rejoice. You should proudly display the Sparkleball in all its brilliance in a place for all the Glen to see. Then, after the Yule season has ended, carefully store the Sparkleball and help it magically reappear next year. But be careful, as it is best to find a new recipient of the Sparkleball each year. Legend has it that the ball has traveled to the far corners of the Glen. As the recipient of the ball, part of your job is to find out who has received this gift before you, so you can give the magic to someone new.
Merry Christmas!
Taylor's New Years Day Football Bash
The Taylor's (7809 W. Londonderry) are hosting an all day football frenzy on New Year's Day. South Carolina kicks off at 11 a.m. but this is a come and go as you please event. We'll be open for guests until the last game ends. Heather will make a pot of chili, fresh bread and some appetizers. Feel free, but not obligated, to bring snacks and beverages. Please let Heather (759.4849) know if you plan to attend so she has an idea about how much chili to prepare.
Outback Bowl 11:00am
South Carolina vs Iowa
Gator Bowl 1:00pm
Nebraska vs Clemson
Capital One Bowl 1:00pm
(16) Georgia vs (19) Michigan St.
Rose Bowl 5:00pm
(6) Penn St. vs the other (5) USC
Orange Bowl 8:00pm
(12) Cincinnati vs (21) Virginia Tech
Outback Bowl 11:00am
South Carolina vs Iowa
Gator Bowl 1:00pm
Nebraska vs Clemson
Capital One Bowl 1:00pm
(16) Georgia vs (19) Michigan St.
Rose Bowl 5:00pm
(6) Penn St. vs the other (5) USC
Orange Bowl 8:00pm
(12) Cincinnati vs (21) Virginia Tech
Mayor Mike Wins in a Landslide!

Glen City Fall Festival
Thanks to everyone who participated in the second annual Glen City Fall Festival. Although it was a "chili" afternoon, we all had a great time and shared a lot of delicious food. Below are some pictures of the day including Brian and Mike getting dunked, hay rides, bobbing for apples, and more. Enjoy!
Glen City Fall Festival
Glen City Fall Festival
Lost and Found!
Several items have been left behind at various Glen City gatherings this year. If you are the owner of any of the following, please contact Jim and Carol.
- Yellow and Black Life Vest
- Colts hat
- Small white towel
- Yorktown Tigers seat cushion
- Childs small white blanket and small monogramed bear
- Yellow and Black Life Vest
- Colts hat
- Small white towel
- Yorktown Tigers seat cushion
- Childs small white blanket and small monogramed bear
Kick Off the Season of Giving
You are invited to a very special Christmas party on
Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
at the Taylor’s house – 7809 W. Londonderry Ct.
The Taylor and Bade families are teaming up to create
this fabulous beginning to the holiday season.
You are invited to a very special Christmas party on
Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
at the Taylor’s house – 7809 W. Londonderry Ct.
The Taylor and Bade families are teaming up to create
this fabulous beginning to the holiday season.
Each year Samaritan’s Purse, a charity organization, collects and distributes thousands of shoe boxes, filled with toys and necessities, to needy children around the world. This has become a family tradition at the Taylor’s to begin the Christmas season. Our children help choose the items for the shoe box, include a short note to the recipient and as a family we pray for the child who will receive our shoe box. We also spend time talking about the blessing of giving and how this will be the only gift this child receives. It truly is a great way to begin this special season. And this year we invite you to join us.
Here is what you do to participate:
Visit the Samaritan’s Purse Web site to learn more about what items to pack in your shoe box http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/OCC/index/
- Print the instructions including the label for your box.
- Now comes the fun part….go shopping! Choose the items to pack in your shoe box. You may decide to complete a single shoe box as a family or create one box from each child. i.e. Our family will create one box from Jackson for a boy and a box from Maddie for a pre-school girl. Whatever you decide….please join us!
- Bring your shoe box and contents to the party where we will pack our shoe boxes together. Please note that Samaritan’s Purse requests a donation by check to cover the cost of shipping.
- Feel free to bring items to share. Some items are much less expensive to buy in packages such as bars of soap, socks and Hot Wheels cars. And no child, no matter how destitute, wants a shoe box full of soap and socks! We’ll create a “share” pile where you can swap your extra soap for a toy car or a pair of socks.
- RSVP to the Bades (759.9434) or the Taylors (759.4849) by Nov. 1 so we know how many cookies to bake.
Come prepared to enjoy Christmas music, Christmas cookies, hot chocolate and a reminder of the gift given to all of us the first Christmas.
We hope you will begin your Christmas season with us!
Glen City Fall Festival
The 2ND Annual Glen City Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 18, 2008 at Brian and Cindy Caudell's home (corner of Wicklow and Adare). Chili will be provided by the Caudell's. Please bring a side dish to share, some drinks, and chairs. There will be games, kids activities, and something new this year...Dunk Your Mayor, I mean Neighbor. For more information, please call Mike at 759-4994. Hope to see you there.
Note: There will also be a Hay Ride!
Note: There will also be a Hay Ride!
Second Annual Raft Race
The second annual raft race was another huge success. Thanks to all who participated by building and entering rafts, or just by offering your support (and water balloons) along the sunny shores of Great Glen Lake. The race was hotly contested and included a little bit of controversy, but in the end, the winners were Chase Bell, Holden Bell, and Daniel Morency, powering a raft designed and built by Greg Bell.
Shortly after the race, Glen City residents gathered for a Luau and feast at Rich and Cheryl Lee's house. The carry-in food was outstanding with the main dish being a whole hog roasted by the honorable Mayor Lyndsey himself. Ask our Mayor if he'll be running for VP any time soon, he'd win with hog roasts like that! Cornhole, washers and football games were played until the misquitos chased everyone indoors. Did you know that the misquitos are the official bird of Glen City?
Below are a few pictures of the big event. Be sure to send us additional pictures to share if you have some.
The stakes have been raised to a new level. What will the rafts look like next year? Time to start planning now.
2008 Raft Race
Shortly after the race, Glen City residents gathered for a Luau and feast at Rich and Cheryl Lee's house. The carry-in food was outstanding with the main dish being a whole hog roasted by the honorable Mayor Lyndsey himself. Ask our Mayor if he'll be running for VP any time soon, he'd win with hog roasts like that! Cornhole, washers and football games were played until the misquitos chased everyone indoors. Did you know that the misquitos are the official bird of Glen City?
Below are a few pictures of the big event. Be sure to send us additional pictures to share if you have some.
The stakes have been raised to a new level. What will the rafts look like next year? Time to start planning now.
2008 Raft Race
Raft Race and Luau!

The second annual Glen City Raft race is set to start at 3:00 PM DST on Saturday, August 30th. Build a raft out of household items and enter. This year there will be a kids division and an adult division. Inflatibles are allowed but must be modified. The winner gets the Old Oaken Oar for a year.
At 5:30 PM, shortly after the race (to give racers time to shower off the slime), Glen City residents will be gathering for a Luau at Rich and Cheryl Lee's house, 7704 Londonderry Court. Mike Lindsey will be roasting a whole hog for the occassion. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share and drinks. There will be some contests at the Luau including a limbo line. Please dress accordingly.
Pool Party!
Joel and Brenda are having a pool party. Below are the details:

From East: If coming from the east side of Glen City, head west on Tipperary, then turn right (north) onto Adare Drive. Proceed to 7900 Adare Drive.
From South: Southsiders should take Londonderry North, merge onto Wicklow North, then continue heading north. Turn right onto Adare and head East to 7900.
From West: West-end residents should take Wicklow North to Adare Drive. Turn right (west) on Adare to 7900.
From North: Northsiders should hop on over to Adare and head west to 7900.
Traiffic shouldn't be too bad this time of day, but you may want to give yourself an extra 20 or 30 seconds, just incase.

From East: If coming from the east side of Glen City, head west on Tipperary, then turn right (north) onto Adare Drive. Proceed to 7900 Adare Drive.
From South: Southsiders should take Londonderry North, merge onto Wicklow North, then continue heading north. Turn right onto Adare and head East to 7900.
From West: West-end residents should take Wicklow North to Adare Drive. Turn right (west) on Adare to 7900.
From North: Northsiders should hop on over to Adare and head west to 7900.
Traiffic shouldn't be too bad this time of day, but you may want to give yourself an extra 20 or 30 seconds, just incase.
Caption This Picture
Backyard Bible School Photos
July 2008 - Here are a few pictures from the first night of Backyard Bible School in Glen City. If you have pictures to share from any event in Glen City, be sure to send them to us and we'll add them here.
Squeels On Wheels at Muncie Rib Fest!
Help Needed! Reminder Too!
On Sunday night, July 27th at 7pm, Heather Taylor needs help unloading the Backyard Bible School inflatable bouncy thing and other supplies. If you can lend a hand, it shouldn't take very long. Please meet at the Taylor's at 7pm.
Of course this means that the Backyard Bible School is here. Bring your friends and neighbors and come on over to the Taylor's backyard on July 28th, 29th, and 30th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Kids from the age of 2 thru 5th grade are welcome to attend.
Of course this means that the Backyard Bible School is here. Bring your friends and neighbors and come on over to the Taylor's backyard on July 28th, 29th, and 30th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Kids from the age of 2 thru 5th grade are welcome to attend.
Someone left their Razor Scooter at the Tinch's on the 5th of July. If you are missing a scooter and can correctly identify this one, see Michelle or Mark to claim it.
Cookout at the Tinch's!
Mark and Michelle Tinch have offered to host the 5th of July cookout at their house. The cookout will start at 5PM on the 5th. Please bring a dish, preferably filled with food, to share with your neighbors. Also BYOB (bring your own beverage). Mark and Michelle live at 7805 Londonderry. Hope to see you there. Thank you Tinch's!
Also, don't forget about the bonfire on the 3rd and the parade earlier in the day on the 5th. Details below.
Also, don't forget about the bonfire on the 3rd and the parade earlier in the day on the 5th. Details below.
4th 5th of July Parade!

Reminder! The annual Glen City Fourth Fifth of July Parade will take place on, you guessed it, July 4th 5th. Decorate your bikes, scooters, golf carts, pets, spouses, or whatever and meet at the flag pole at the Mayor's house at 10AM on the 5th (or 9:45 AM for some of you).
Also, if anyone would like to offer up their yard to host a cookout later in the day, please let Mayor Lindsey know and he will include that info on a flyer and we will add it here __________.
Hope to see you at the parade.
Squeals On Wheels Special Deal!
Glen City .500 Mile Lawn Mower Race Pictures
Glen City Times photographer Katie Lindsey has sent us a great collection of photos from the First Annual Glen City .500 mile Lawn Mower Race. Check them out below (notice the drag racers near the end of the slide show). If you have any pictures you'd like to share, please send them to us and we'll get them posted! Thank you Katie. Enjoy!
The Glen City .500
The Glen City .500
Yard Sale Coming - June 14th!

Dawn Aul and Marsha Bemis are organizing a Glen City neighborhood Yard Sale for Saturday, June 14th. This is the same weekend as Summer Heat in the nearby city of Yorktown, so there should be a lot of traffic flowing through the area. Please tell friends and neighbors who may not read this blog about the yard sale.

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So you want to keep up on the latest news and information about Glen City. No problem! Simply fill out the form below and you'll be added to the list. Whenever a new event is planned, an email will be sent to you. You can also subscribe to the blog feed to keep up to date on updates to this page. So what are you waiting for, fill out the form below and sign-up today. Note: Your email address will remain protected and not sold to any spam lists, etc.
BackYard Bible Club Returns
The 3rd Annual Glen City BackYard Bible Club is scheduled to take place in the backyard of the Taylor's on July 28th thru 30th. The club is open to kids ages pre-school through 5th Grade. All children welcome.....they do not have to live in The Glen. So invite your friends or bring the grandkids.
The theme this year is Hawaiian, so break out those hula skirts and lend a hand. If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Heather at 759-4849 or email her.
The theme this year is Hawaiian, so break out those hula skirts and lend a hand. If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Heather at 759-4849 or email her.
The Glen .500
Mike Lindsey is the first in a long line of winners (we think)
(Glen City, Indiana, AP) On a beautiful day in Glen City Indiana, residents witnessed the first annual Glen .500 Mile Lawnmower Race. The day started out with the annual driver dinner, featuring Barbeque pork from Squeals-On-Wheels along with many other delicious dishes prepared by the residents of Glen City.
After the feast, drivers received their final briefing before assembling at the start line. The pole went to Andy, but that would be the only time he got a sniff of the lead. The pace golf cart lead the drivers around the track at a blistering pace. As they approached the rolling start line, the lawnmower drivers geared it up a notch, well actually they just kept going at about the same pace, and the race was on. Andy quickly gave up the lead as drivers jockeyed and bumped trying to get in the best position. Some drivers could be seen drafting off of other drivers.
Joel, Hank, Russ, Mark and others fought hard for the lead coming into turn 2. Debris in the road slowed some drivers down but it wasn't enough to bring out the yellow flag. Shortly after turn 3 Rich and Roger took a low line, drafting off of each other, and somehow passed the field. As they headed toward the finish line however, the field had caught back up to them. It came down to blocking out the other drivers but Mike Lindsey put a slick move on the leaders and slipped in between Rich and Roger to pull off the victory. Later it was learned that Rich, Roger, and Andy were DQ'd for dipping ever so slightly below the yellow line. Roger and Andy refused to comment about the DQ, but Rich claimed to have never seen the yellow line. Roger's leading sponsor, Tidy Cat, said they would file an official protest on behalf of their driver.
After the race, several drivers commented on the tough track conditions and how they had to fight their mowers to keep them from getting loose in the turns. Russ said he was expecting sunny conditions and used the wrong tires. Hank said his setup was wrong for track conditions too and he should have gone with the mulching setup.
In the winners circle, the .500 Queen, Cathy Stagge, presented Mike with the traditional quart of 2% Low Fat Milk and the checkered ribbon. Mike was exhausted but still able to crack a smile. "I gave it all I had and just kept the pedal to the medal" Mike said. "In the end, things just broke open at the right time; I got a good push around turn 4, and somehow edged out the field, not to mention that I had at least 10 more Horsepower than the next guy in the race."
Drivers have another year now to prepare for the race. Expect things to heat up next year now that the drivers understand and have a feel for the difficult track conditions of the Glen .500.
Mike Lindsey is the first in a long line of winners (we think)
(Glen City, Indiana, AP) On a beautiful day in Glen City Indiana, residents witnessed the first annual Glen .500 Mile Lawnmower Race. The day started out with the annual driver dinner, featuring Barbeque pork from Squeals-On-Wheels along with many other delicious dishes prepared by the residents of Glen City.
After the feast, drivers received their final briefing before assembling at the start line. The pole went to Andy, but that would be the only time he got a sniff of the lead. The pace golf cart lead the drivers around the track at a blistering pace. As they approached the rolling start line, the lawnmower drivers geared it up a notch, well actually they just kept going at about the same pace, and the race was on. Andy quickly gave up the lead as drivers jockeyed and bumped trying to get in the best position. Some drivers could be seen drafting off of other drivers.
Joel, Hank, Russ, Mark and others fought hard for the lead coming into turn 2. Debris in the road slowed some drivers down but it wasn't enough to bring out the yellow flag. Shortly after turn 3 Rich and Roger took a low line, drafting off of each other, and somehow passed the field. As they headed toward the finish line however, the field had caught back up to them. It came down to blocking out the other drivers but Mike Lindsey put a slick move on the leaders and slipped in between Rich and Roger to pull off the victory. Later it was learned that Rich, Roger, and Andy were DQ'd for dipping ever so slightly below the yellow line. Roger and Andy refused to comment about the DQ, but Rich claimed to have never seen the yellow line. Roger's leading sponsor, Tidy Cat, said they would file an official protest on behalf of their driver.
After the race, several drivers commented on the tough track conditions and how they had to fight their mowers to keep them from getting loose in the turns. Russ said he was expecting sunny conditions and used the wrong tires. Hank said his setup was wrong for track conditions too and he should have gone with the mulching setup.
In the winners circle, the .500 Queen, Cathy Stagge, presented Mike with the traditional quart of 2% Low Fat Milk and the checkered ribbon. Mike was exhausted but still able to crack a smile. "I gave it all I had and just kept the pedal to the medal" Mike said. "In the end, things just broke open at the right time; I got a good push around turn 4, and somehow edged out the field, not to mention that I had at least 10 more Horsepower than the next guy in the race."
Drivers have another year now to prepare for the race. Expect things to heat up next year now that the drivers understand and have a feel for the difficult track conditions of the Glen .500.
Bonfire Sunday Night
The neighborhood got together for the first bonfire of the year Sunday night, May 25th, on the empty lot on Adare Drive. It was a perfect evening for a bonfire and a large number of folks got together. As the night wore on, 5 lawnmower drivers decided to test the track out, so, on 'A Dare', the 5 drivers who shall not be named (Joel, Russ, Mark, Andy, and Roger) took a spin around the neighborhood. A few of the driver's lost control on turn three and ended up in Mike Lindsey's yard, but other than that mishap the time trial went smoothly and the drivers proclaimed themselves ready for the inaugural Glen .500 Mile Lawnmower Race.
The first Bonfire of the year is planned for Sunday evening, May 25th at 7PM. Come over to the empty lot on Adare Drive. Bring some snacks and drinks and enjoy some time with your neighbors.
First Annual Glen City Raft Race

The race started promptly at 3 PM GCT (Glen City time), which is a little earlier than 3 PM EST, but close enough for most of us. After one false start the race was on. Early leaders included Russ, Megan, and Brian in their inner tube powered flat boat. Also vying for the early lead was Joel, Rich and Olivia, who kept her nose on the competition.
As the race progressed, Russ, Megan, and Brian caught a tow from the eventual winners, grabbing hold of a loose land line. Snaking there way through the pack was the banana boat skippered by Chase, Holden, and Daniel. Quietly working there way up the leader board were eventual second place finishers Andy and Bradley too.
Below are some pictures of the exciting event.
raft race
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